Board of Directors
Kenn Huff - President
Nancy Johnson - Vice President
Elaine Probasco - Treasurer
Barbara Kastellic - Secretary
Dick Bushmiaer
Jim Free
Ken Dolezal
Alta Ann Schneider
Will Reis
Museum Coordinator
Sally Johnson

The Mission of the Montrose County Historical Society and Museum
Preservation, Heritage, Authenticity
For general information about
programs, exhibits, and services,
please contact us at
Montrose County Historical Society
PO Box 1882, Montrose, CO 81402
For information call: 970-249-2085
Museums are Community Anchors
In the fall of 1966, a group of local women discussed the idea with a goal of "a museum to preserve and display early day articles and history of our American heritage especially as related to the area of Montrose County". The Montrose Woman's Club voted to sponsor the organization of a museum. On
October 8, 1968, the Montrose County Historical Society was formed.
On October 18, 1973, the Historical
Denver & Rio Grande Depot was the
location for the newly form museum.